A garlic variety fit for polite society

Society garlic (Thulbaghia violacea) is an evergreen plant distributed from the Little Karoo to KwaZulu-Natal in Africa. Growing to about a foot high, this species flowers from summer to autumn. All parts of the plant smell strongly of garlic if you brush against it. Despite this or perhaps because the scent is not as strong as real garlic, it has the common name "society garlic".

Some varieties like ‘silver lace’ have variegated leaves

Some varieties like ‘silver lace’ have variegated leaves

The entire plant is edible and has less a less powerful flavor than garlic. It is an evergreen perennial and will spread like a multiplier onion. Full sun to shade (looks best in at least half day sun), with improved garden soil. Harvest as needed or just grow as an ornamental. It is suggested that the odor of this plant repels some garden pests.

Katherine Gierlach