Spadefoot Podcast no. 3 Camping On The Border, Baby Bonnets, & Chocolate Flower


Amazing! Katy and Jared made the third installment of The Dirt. This one they did while camping about 10 miles from the border just south of the ghost town Ruby (which was closed due to COVID-19). They talk about a rare bird they saw, and as always, they each do a little profile on a plant.

Images below are for reference to the podcast:

Jared’s plant for this podcast is commonly called “baby bonnets”, Coursetia glandulosa.

Katy chose chocolate flower, Berlandiera lyrata. The scent mostly releases in the evening into the morning suggesting a nighttime pollinator.

Our tent was lacking stakes, which made it kind of pathetic. Luckily it wasn’t windy that night.

Our tent was lacking stakes, which made it kind of pathetic. Luckily it wasn’t windy that night.

Katherine Gierlach